Aku berserah kepadaMu Ya Allah, aku tahu diriMu sangat bijaksana dalam mengatur segalanya. Aku akan terus bersabar dan terus bersabar dan terus bersabar, hari demi hari.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Monday, 28 November 2011
Deepest Conversation
Bismillahirahmanirahim . . .
A broken heart can be fixed by self-closing to Allah,
but, sometimes it's easily for us to say it but none with action..
I wish I could turn back time so that I correct what I did wrong, but.......
I realized that if it's happened, I'll learned nothing...
"pengalaman menjadikan diri kita matang"
"Allah tidak menghakimi seburuk mana hambaNya pada masa lampau, tetapi sebaik mana hambaNya cuba untuk memperbaiki dirinya sendiri pada masa ini dan akan datang..."
La Tahzan, Nur Farhana Atiqah
sesungguhnya, Allah mengetahui segala-galanya :)
Sunday, 27 November 2011
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
The person most noble in character and dealings with fellow humans gave us a very clear message and advice in regard to friendship. We should choose the friend that is satisfied with our Deen and avoid the friend that is displeased with it. Whoever we see and are pleased with his Deen, we should befriend him and whoever we are displeased with his Deen and his manners, we ought to avoid him. There is no good in the companion who does not wish for us (from good) what he wishes for himself. There is also no good in the companion who wishes for us what he wishes for himself, if what he likes for his own soul is leading him towards destruction and Hellfire.
"Islam & the Concept of Friendship"

** In order for you to be happy, it is a must for you to make people happy even though, sometimes the happiness is delayed. Put your trust in Allah because Allah never broke the promises.
The person most noble in character and dealings with fellow humans gave us a very clear message and advice in regard to friendship. We should choose the friend that is satisfied with our Deen and avoid the friend that is displeased with it. Whoever we see and are pleased with his Deen, we should befriend him and whoever we are displeased with his Deen and his manners, we ought to avoid him. There is no good in the companion who does not wish for us (from good) what he wishes for himself. There is also no good in the companion who wishes for us what he wishes for himself, if what he likes for his own soul is leading him towards destruction and Hellfire.
"Islam & the Concept of Friendship"

** In order for you to be happy, it is a must for you to make people happy even though, sometimes the happiness is delayed. Put your trust in Allah because Allah never broke the promises.
Rather live in lonely space than crowded empty words
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
If you ask me about love
And what to know about it
My answer will be...
It's everything about Allah
The pure love to our soul
The creator of you and me,
The heaven and whole universe
The One that made us hold and free
The Guardian of His True believers
So when the time gets hard
There's no way to turn
As He promised
He will always be there
To bless us with His love and His mercy coz
As He promised
He will always be there
He's always watching us, guiding us
And He knows what's in our little heart
So when you lose your way to Allah
You should turn
As He promised
He will always be there...
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/m/maher_zain/always_be_there.html ]
Could bring the sun from the darkness
Into the light
Capable of everything
Should never feel afraid of anything
As long as we follow His guidance
All the way through a short time
We have in this life
Soon it'll all be over
And we'll be in His heaven
And we'll all be fine
So when the time gets hard
There's no way to turn
As He promised
He will always be there
To bless us with His love and His mercy coz
As He promised
He will always be there
He's always watching us, guiding us
And He knows what's in our little Heart
So when you lose your way to Allah
You should turn
As He promises to you He'll always be there
Always Be There by Maher Zain
If you ask me about love
And what to know about it
My answer will be...
It's everything about Allah
The pure love to our soul
The creator of you and me,
The heaven and whole universe
The One that made us hold and free
The Guardian of His True believers
So when the time gets hard
There's no way to turn
As He promised
He will always be there
To bless us with His love and His mercy coz
As He promised
He will always be there
He's always watching us, guiding us
And He knows what's in our little heart
So when you lose your way to Allah
You should turn
As He promised
He will always be there...
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/m/maher_zain/always_be_there.html ]
Could bring the sun from the darkness
Into the light
Capable of everything
Should never feel afraid of anything
As long as we follow His guidance
All the way through a short time
We have in this life
Soon it'll all be over
And we'll be in His heaven
And we'll all be fine
So when the time gets hard
There's no way to turn
As He promised
He will always be there
To bless us with His love and His mercy coz
As He promised
He will always be there
He's always watching us, guiding us
And He knows what's in our little Heart
So when you lose your way to Allah
You should turn
As He promises to you He'll always be there
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Salam Maal Hijrah 1433
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Assalamualaikum :)
1st for all, marilah kita panjatkan segala kesyukuran kepada Allah S.W.T dgn segala nikmat yang dikurniakan. 1432 H selamat meninggalkan kita semua. kini datang pula 1433 H dengan harapan pada tahun yang baru ini memberi seribu keberkatan kepada kita, memberi semangat kepada kita untuk melakukan segala yang diperintahNYA dan meninggalkan segala laranganNYA
Ya Allah, banyaknya dosaku kpd Mu Ya Allah :(( banyaknya sehingga tidak terkira.
walaupun begitu, diriMU masih memberi peluang kepadaku untuk menikmati kehidupan ini.
Terima Kasih Ya Allah, aku akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk memperbaiki kelemahan diriku ini.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, berilah aku hidayahMU dan kekuatan untuk menjalani liku-liku kehidupan ini :')
**Don't be afraid to change to be good, better and the best but afraid we will died tomorrow :')
Assalamualaikum :)
1st for all, marilah kita panjatkan segala kesyukuran kepada Allah S.W.T dgn segala nikmat yang dikurniakan. 1432 H selamat meninggalkan kita semua. kini datang pula 1433 H dengan harapan pada tahun yang baru ini memberi seribu keberkatan kepada kita, memberi semangat kepada kita untuk melakukan segala yang diperintahNYA dan meninggalkan segala laranganNYA
Ya Allah, banyaknya dosaku kpd Mu Ya Allah :(( banyaknya sehingga tidak terkira.
walaupun begitu, diriMU masih memberi peluang kepadaku untuk menikmati kehidupan ini.
Terima Kasih Ya Allah, aku akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk memperbaiki kelemahan diriku ini.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, berilah aku hidayahMU dan kekuatan untuk menjalani liku-liku kehidupan ini :')
**Don't be afraid to change to be good, better and the best but afraid we will died tomorrow :')
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