It's been a long time I left this section, and now I'm back again.
Alhamdulillah everthing runs smoothly even though sometimes there's rough tough time.
I used to set in my mind " There's always up and down ", " Allah sentiasa menduga kita"
I used to set in my mind " There's always up and down ", " Allah sentiasa menduga kita"
Dear lover, I'm so sorry for what I've done and I guess you can't hold it any more.
I'm so sorry, I hurt you so much.
I'm so sorry, I'm the unpredictable one
I'm so sorry, sometimes my words are harsh
but knowing you is the best thing I ever had
I loved to see you smile
Your smile made my day
Your patience always be my pride
Your kindness and softness always lowered down my crudity
Your love will always in my heart
and I'm thankful to Allah for this present
even though it's just for a while
"Hanya Pinjaman Semata-Mata"
InsyaAllah, jika ada jodoh tidak kemana
dan jika tiada jodoh, ada yang lebih baik buat kita berdua :')
be tough.. be firm young lady :)